The retrospective 'Martín Chirino. 'Chronicle of the century', which opens at the CAAM on February 27, the most complete exhibition about the artist on his native island, and the exhibitions that the Cervantes Institute discovers at its headquarters in Rome with pieces from the CajaCanarias collection, activate a intense program of events scheduled throughout the year around the life and work of the iron forger
The Martín Chirino Art and Thought Foundation commemorates this year, 2025, the centenary of the birth of the sculptor Martín Chirino (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, March 1, 1925-Madrid, March 11, 2019) with a dozen exhibition projects programmed in centers of art, museums, cultural institutions and art galleries, seminars, conferences, workshops and publications, among other events and actions, in about the life and work of the Gran Canarian artist. "One hundred years have passed since the birth of one of the sculptors with a very particular contribution to the history of Spanish art, a sculptor with a life full of spirals that he forged throughout his life, and our intention, both of Marta Chirino, president of the Foundation and heir of his legacy, like mine from the management of the Foundation is to value the legacy he left us, his material and immaterial legacy," explains Jesús Mª Castaño, director of the Martín Chirino Foundation. The calendar of events designed by the Martín Chirino Art and Thought Foundation, which in 2025 celebrates its tenth anniversary, together with the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council and in collaboration with other institutions, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the iron forger will allow explore and abound in all his iconography, with special detail in the stages and actions that were decisive throughout his artistic and life career.